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The addiction, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, trauma, PTSD or any number of other issues that you are facing can be the thing that brings you into therapy. But when you work with me as your therapist, we don’t just put a band aid on the symptoms. Together we go deeper to explore the underlying root causes of the problem and heal it where it started. I use the word “we” because it is a collaborative venture, we work together to create change.
I work with core beliefs as I believe these greatly impact one’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and choices. We also explore the negative or painful stories you might tell yourself about people, relationships, your past or your life.  


My aim is to help you create a new belief system, change negative thinking, re-write the story, heal the wounds and when you are ready, face your past.


What We Do First 

The first thing that happens is that I would like to invite you to participate in a free 30 minute phone session whereby we can have an initial discussion, where I can tell you about myself, my approach, how I work and answer any questions or concerns that you have.


You will also have the opportunity to share a bit about your issues and then we can determine if this is a good match. It can be frustrating to spend your hard earned money for a first session to discover “this is not the right therapist for me.”  I will also let you know if I feel that I do not have the expertise for your particular issue/problem.
After the consult you can take time to decide and call me later, you can let me know right then that this is not the place for you or you can make an appointment.
I know taking that first step can be scary, but please feel free to reach out. Remember you can always say no after the free consult or take time to think about it. You are in charge of your journey.  If you decide to pursue counselling with me, you will need to read and sign an Informed Consent document prior to the first session. Your first session will be assessment.


Once consultation is complete, you decide to work with me and the Informed Consent document is signed and returned to me, the next step is to complete a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment.


What does that mean? It means that with your assistance I will explore  all the areas of your life (your major life areas) that make up who you are as a person such as your physical health, emotional health, your leisure lifestyle, employment, mental health, family of origin, relationship history and other areas.


This could also include your spiritual life which is sometimes missed in many assessments as an integral part of who one is. Spiritual doesn’t necessarily mean religious, although it could include that as well. Spiritual is all encompassing; it is about your inner being, your values and morals and your connections whether that be to nature, the church or the cosmos. It can be an integral part of who you are on your healing journey. If you are not ready to explore that area, that’s ok too. I take a client-centered approach to therapy, so I am not the director, we are on this journey together.
Completing a comprehensive assessment might include doing some tests or screens depending on your presenting problem/concerns or we may not do any screens at all. Tests could include but is not limited to screens for depression, anxiety, addictions or PTSD.


A comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment will help me formulate the best treatment plan for you, your issues, needs, concerns and hopes for your future, so that you can feel like you are in the right place at the right time and moving forward. Just like a house needs a blueprint to ensure that the vision of the future house is realized, so we also need a blueprint from which to work. Getting to know and understand you at this level ensure that I choose the right treatment modality or combination of modalities that meet your specific needs and concerns. It could include for example Cognitive Behavior Therapy or EMDR for trauma issues. You have input into all of this, as I said before, this is a collaborative venture.
If doing a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment seems overwhelming for you, don’t worry, we can scale it down and go at your own pace. Remember, I mentioned that I take a client centered approach so I can adjust and adapt to meet your needs. There is no right or wrong way, but my hope is that you feel that I am thorough and complete so you get the right treatment plan for you.


Assessment naturally blends into subsequent sessions........we continue to meet and work through all your issues. 

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